
This tutorial series aim to do two things. First, it’s a guide on how to build a 2D game engine with Go and OpenGL. It covers low-level concepts like drawing sprites using shaders and high-level concepts like game object hierarchies and component systems. Common game algorithms like collision detection, pathfinding, procedural generation and AI are also explored.

Second, this guide is meant to document the AGL game engine. AGL is hobby 2D game engine built with Go and OpenGL. AGL started as an attempt to write a GPU accelerated text editor and slowly evolved into a sprite renderer and finally into a game engine (yay for feature creep!). Most of this tutorial series is based on the work done for AGL and is in a sense a step-by-step recreation of this engine.

Having a working game engine as the basis of this tutorial series gives the user the advantage of being able to skip the parts of the tutorial that they don’t want to do. Not interested in OpenGL programming? Matrix multiplication too boring? No problem, you can skip ahead to the game loop and collisions. In throwaway tutorial code this could leave you with gaps that could later come back to bite you but AGL provides proper abstractions (tries to anyway:). You can render sprites without ever having to worry about OpenGL or shaders. This way, parts that you skip are “black boxes” that you only need to open if you are ever curious about how they work.

Having said that, using AGL is not a requirement and if you want to build an engine from scratch you will be able to. To enable this, the first few tutorials in the series are accompanied with standalone examples as a way to get started without referencing code from a larger code base.

Building a Game Engine

Why build a game engine? Lets first say that if your goal is to make a game you don’t need to build a game engine. Just use one of the many, excellent, game engines available out there. Unreal Engine and Unity are the more popular ones, and Godot is an excellent open source option1. It might feel like overkill to be using something as powerful and feature-rich as Unreal Engine or Unity for a simple 2D game but the time spent learning these tools is well worth it. It will be significantly more time consuming to implement sprite drawing from scratch than learning how to draw sprites in Unity, for example.

With that out of the way, building a game engine is a rewarding experience and an excellent learning opportunity. Engine programming deals with low-level concepts like memory management, optimization, and graphics programming but also with high-level concepts such as program structure, abstractions and even user-experience (if you are building a UI level editor for example).

Why 2D

Firstly, it was what I needed for my own project which was originally to write a GPU accelerated text editor. Secondly, it’s easier than 3D. In 3D we are displaying 3D models made of many triangles. To animate a model we need a control rig (or skeleton) and some way to map the rig to the triangles of the model. We then need animation data to move the rig, which in turn moves the model. On top of all that we need textures and materials to make the model look good. In 2D we are just displaying images. Once we can show one image on screen we are done, animation is just showing more images in succession.

It is also easier to produce content for a 2D game. Everyone can draw but not everyone can do 3D modeling and animation. This is not to say that every programmer is an artist or that 2D is easy to do. To make a good 2D game we need good 2D art and that’s something only a skilled 2D artist can produce. However, unlike 3D, with 2D we can at least draw some test art and get the process going.

It should be said that while 2D is easier, it does expose the user to many of the same concepts as 3D. We will still have to deal with triangles, transformations, matrices and calls to send data to the GPU. We will still be exposed to shader coding. Also, many of the algorithms in game programming are the same or similar for 2D and 3D. Scene partitioning is done in both 2D and 3D games but in 3D there is an extra dimension. Pathfinding is usually done in 2D even in 3D games. The game loop is timed in the same way in both. The principles of collision detection are the same. This is all to say that you will not be cheating yourself by learning game programming in 2D. In fact we believe that 2D is the best way to start learning game programming as it exposes you to all the important concepts with as little complication as possible.

Why Go

Go is a good compromise between the performance of low level languages like C/C++ and the easy-of-use and productivity of high-level languages like Python. It is also what the author likes to write:). Other engines are implemented in C or C++ but the user codes in higher-level languages. For example Godot users code in the Python-esque GDScript. In this series, and in AGL, the intention is that the user programs in Go and the engine is simply a dependency that the user includes2.

You don’t need to be a Go programmer to go through these tutorials. Go is very easy to pickup and we will make an attempt to explain language-specific features as they come up. If you want a more structured way to learn Go, the tour is an excellent starting point.

Release Plan

The aim is to have a new tutorial released every other week. Use this RSS feed to get updates.


Before we jump to the first tutorial we need to do a bit of setup. The first step is to instal Go. You can get it from the Go website or instal from the package manager of your distribution. Go is likely supported in your IDE but you might have to add a plugin, see the wiki for more info. Once you have Go installed go through these steps that will show you how to create, build and run a hello world Go program. With that done, you are ready to start the tutorial.